Join the Band
Band F.A.Q.
Membership is open to all musicians. There are no membership fees. We accept new members throughout the year. Check with the director or band member for current openings.
The music ranges from grade 3 (good high school) to grade 5 (college plus).
A variety: marches, show tunes, big band, light classical, patriotic….
Rehearsals are generally held Greenview Upper Elementary 1825 S Green Rd, South Euclid, OH 44121
Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the band room
The band performs and rehearses year round. We present a summer season and then a Christmas season. The band performs a formal indoor concert in April or May and then performs concerts at various locations through September. We perform a series of Holiday concerts in December. Every attempt is made to confirm a spring concert date by January or February. In addition, the schedule is posted on our website. Last minute changes to the schedule will be announced at summer concerts and/or communicated to active members via a telephone tree.
We know that it may not be possible for you to participate in all of the concerts. If you know in advance that you will be unable to attend a concert, you are required to notify someone in your section and/or one of the directors.
Men: white dress shirt, black slacks, black tie, red vest. Women: black slacks or skirt, white blouse, red vest